Saturday, September 22, 2012

iPod Touch 5th Generation Chit-Chat

I have to admit it.

I love my iPod Touch.

The first one I purchased was the 4th generation model, a couple of years ago on launch. I have used it pretty much every day since. It still runs smooth, it just received the iOS6 update and apps continue to flood the device. The 4th generation iPod Touch was essentially, an iPhone 4/4S, without the contract. Sure the camera wasn't as good, nor did it receive the same CPU love, but that didn't matter. You had access to all those beautiful apps, the same as the ones arriving on the phone.

I find the iPod Touch line to be the best, entry level Apple product. Sure it's a bit pricy, but you can't deny the value and level of quality of the device.

Again, it literally is an iPhone without the contract and that's why I love it. We all know about the "Apple Tax". Especially, with the iPhone itself. I just don't want pay the premium to get the phone and be locked in a contract with a device that has an annual update.


Today, we have the arrival of the iPhone and iPod Touch 5th generation. New CPUs! New cameras! Big Screens! Plus, some sweet new colors!

Once again, the iPod Touch impresses. Now with the ability to purchase it with your choice of hardware color, makes it a fashion accessory. A smart move by Apple and they will sell gazillions of them because of that.

I'm most excited about the larger screen. As a gamer, this is the most important part. Thumbs on the tiny-er, older model took up too much real estate of the screen. Now, there is room to breath. Room to see the beauty of games in all their glory. Plus, hands are less cramped. Hooray!

Yes, I have one on pre-order direct from Apple. A blue one, if you must ask. Look for a review of the device in October.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sony PlayStation TGS 2012 Hardware

Sony PlayStation TGS 2012 Hardware

Plus: How To Help Sony Sell More Hardware

TGS has been rocking Japan and the rest of the world for several days now. Among all the excitement, Sony thought it was best to release a 3rd  rebuilt, revision of the PS3. Obviously, aimed at cost saving measures, the new PS3 is thinner, lighter and now features a top disc loader, much like the final PS2 redesign. It does look slick.

Problem is, the Nintendo Wii U will be launching very soon. One would have thought that this valiant new design was to provide consumers with a lower priced PS3, in time for Nintendo's next big launch.

Nope. Not at all.

The new system will launch at the same price as the current hardware.

Oh, great.

Next we have a couple of very sexy looking PS Vita's. Gorgeous red and blue models, which look delicious enough to eat. These are Japan exclusive models for the moment and will hopefully be released in the West at some point in the future. These exciting new Vita's will also be priced the same. For now, we will receive a heavenly white Vita here in the west, packed in with Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation.


Now here comes the PLUS part of the article: How To Help Sony Sell More Hardware.

I don't how things retail out in the East. The Vita appears to be doing very well in Japan. However, speaking as a dude from the West, specifically from Canada, just lower the price of your entry hardware.

Please. Sony. Lower your hardware prices.

Your hardware is awesome. It should be in more users hands. Especially, the Vita which is the best damn portable gaming machine ever. Consumers are to distracted by under $200 hardware such as the iPod Touch and Nintendo 3DS. They are ignoring your hardware due to it's high entry price.

There, the article is now over. I'm getting off my soap box and go play some Madden NFL 13 on my Vita.

End of Line.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Early Memories

Summer 1989.

Tim Burton's Batman exploded the modern era of the merchandised franchise. The Ghostbusters hit the big screen a second time. The NES ruled people's home as Mario and Link captured everyone's imaginations. The Commodore 64 was a hugely popular home computer, everyone I knew had one.

If there is one magical element about the video game industry in the 1980's, was the radical developments in arcade/home console/portable gaming technology. Things just got bigger and more impressive. The 8-bit era from the Atari 2600 to the NES and Sega Master System where awesome gaming machines.

Then in the summer of 1989, Sega would launch the 16-bit Genesis in North America. Never before had a video game console delivered a near arcade perfect experience at home. Oh, yes I remember playing Altered Beast, Afterburner, Outrun and Golden Axe many a time at friends houses. We where blow away by its power. The games where awesome. Mickey Mouse's Castle of Illusion and Michael Jackson's Moonwalker kicked ass.

Then Sonic arrived. Everything changed. The heated 16-bit wars began in all their awesome glory.

Summer 1991. Sonic The Hedgehog blew my mind. Before him, everything was slow. Nothing had ever been as fast, shiny, colourful nor as majestic as him.

I still remember playing the game for the first time. I went over to my buddy's house for lunch one hot summer day. Dave had a Sega Genesis and fairly decent collection of titles. He had just got Sonic The Hedgehog and I was excited to play it.

The advertising for Sonic was huge. Televisions commercials, print adds and word of mouth where impressive. I was pumped up to play it my first time, to say the least.

We fired up the television and entered Sonic's world.


What an experience. The speed blew me away. It played fresh, new and most importantly, fun.

Oh nostalgic memories. The glory of exciting new times indeed. Thanks Sega for some of the most memorable of good times!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

RIP MGS Online

The online gaming experience has shut down today. I played Metal Gear Solid Online numerous times. It's unique gameplay, modes, teams and humor, made it stand out. It was successful in translating that MG style of gameplay in an online experience.

It originated with MGS3: Subsistence. Later, the PSP's Portable Ops games expanded and made it better. Next, MGO would march forward and win over legions of fans.

Continuing the legacy is MGS: Peace Walker included in the HD Collections. It's smaller, yet robust gameplay features is a ton of fun and shouldn't be missed.

Here's to MGO! Years of fun will be fondly remembered. You will be sorely missed.

Drops of Mobile Gaming for the Week

 A minor blog post but very important.

This week we'll see the release of Gravity Rush and the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for the PS Vita. On the Android side of life, Max Payne Mobile is finally released with Rockstar Games Social Integration. Sweet!

I love my mobile gaming! Yes, I am aware that I have done some crazy editing with the titles of each release. I'm just so darn happy about this week! ;)

End of Line......

Monday, June 11, 2012

Metal Gear Solid E3 2012 Rundown

E3 2012 is finally gone. Until next year, old friend. *sniff*

I was surprised that Hideo Kojima of Metal Gear Solid and Konami fame, didn't make an appearance during the Sony press conference to show off Metal Gear Rising: Revengance. He's done so previous times in the past.  However, he still attended E3. Reveiling more of Revengance and the Vita's HD collection of MGS games.

Revengance looks amazing! The tag team of Kojima Productions and Platinum Games, has resulted in one of the most exciting action games, ever. Raiden finally looks bad ass as he slices his way threw, well, absolutely anything. Sadly, the only negative about the game is that it isn't coming out until 2013. *sniff again*

The Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for the Vita looks equally impressive. It's nice to see the titles go beyond just porting the games. They have implemented Vita controls in one shape or another. Plus, Transfarring returns. You can transfer saves between the PS3 and Vita versions of the collection. Plus, you can do this easily via cloud saving, which BTW, is friggin' sweet!

Finally, CVG has an exclusive interview with Hideo Kojima about the future of MGS, social gaming and Kojima productions. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

E3 2012 Post Impressions

E3 2012 arrived with excitement but has left many with a sense of disappointment. looming over the festivities, is the inevitable drop of new next generation hardware. Sadly, we'll have to wait.

Microsoft's press conference only had a handful of exclusives, from the not surprising Halo and Gears of War franchises. Sony's seemed to have dodged the PS Vita all together. Finally, Nintendo should have knocked the ball out of the park with it's upcoming Wii U. Instead, they disappointed it's legion of fans.

Focusing on Sony, which I like to do, I found this year's E3 press conference uninspiring. Except, for a few exclusives.

Let's get this out of the way. Beyond: Two Souls and The Last of Us looked amazing! These brand new IPs brought excitement to E3. Microsoft nor Nintendo, did not have anything of the caliber of these titles on the show floor.

My favorite part of the whole E3 experience, is the Assassin's Creed III double whammy on Sony consoles. Exclusive content on ACIII for the PS3. An exclusive Vita title called ACIII: Liberation. Plus, the ability of the two games to communicate to each other to offer additional content and rewards. These games both look awesome! I can't wait to play them.

On top of that, Sony and Ubisoft have a sweet PS Vita bundle arriving on the games launch date on October 30th. Including the game, a 4gb memory card and a crystal white Vita system, the bundle is sure to lure current and future owners of Sony handheld console.

Oh my! It's looks so sexy!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Started Playing Mass Effect 2

Last post focused on my non-playing of MA2.

Guess what?

I finally did!

Damn! It is awesome stuff! Great looking as well. I can't believe this is the same studio who did the Dragon Age series, which I dislike very much.

Can't wait to play some more. However, the backyard deck calls me. The sun is gorgeous outside. Hmmm... It's beer time. Mmmmm....

Could Sony Be Investing In Cloud Gaming?

In 2 days we'll find out.

Last night, I wanted to play Mass Effect 2. Never have. Ya, crucifix me for taking this long to do so.

So instead of playing, a 10 to 15 minute installation occurred followed by a half a gig download of some EA/Bioware additional content. Finally, a game update was also available for download.

I still haven't played Mass Effect 2.

Now if Sony invests in cloud gaming for us, all I had to do was fire up the game from their servers and Shazaam! I'm playing and not waiting.

Cloud gaming is the Netflix for gamers. On demand gaming. No installation. No updating. No waiting. It is an additional form of content distribution. If Sony goes with this, then they will be able to deliver content in all avenues.

Retail. Direct Download. Cloud Streaming Gaming.

Make it so Sony.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Konami E3 2012 Pre-Show


The company name always brings a smile to my face. When I was a kid, growing up in the 80's, the arcade classic Frogger was always a treat. Next, Contra. Oh... Contra. I would play that forever with my buddies in elementary school. Then Metal Gear came out and the rest is history. Konami is one of the rare video game development studios to remain consistent. A certain quality over quantity mentality has always remained with them.

Today, E3 2012 is just around the corner and you can start enjoying the excitment right now. Below, is embedded the Konami E3 2012 Pre-Show. So sit back, watch and relax. You'll get updates on their mobile games to the Zone of Enders HD Collection to Metal Gear Rising: Revengenace. Which BTW, looks amazing!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sony Tablet S Cradle & Keyboard Max Excitement

I am pleased with my Sony Tablet S. It's wedge shape design, at first throws people off, that is until they get it in their hands. It's unique and very user friendly hardware design wins people over.

London Drugs recently had a sale, which deeply discounted the tablet's cradle and Bluetooth keyboard accessories. So I made the plunge and I'm really happy with the purchase.

One could live without the extra goodies, but I found myself enjoying the experience even more. Writing became much more elegant, alongside surfing the internet. There are cradle specific apps such as a clock and photo gallery, adding some nice extra value. You can also connect your AC adapter to the cradle and let the tablet charge in the base. Nice! The keyboard is simply awesome. Productivity increased and at ease.

I recommend the accessories, providing a sweeter tablet experience.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pac-Man/Star Wars/Alien/My Birthday's :)

May is full of important birthday's.

Pac-Man celebrated his 32nd on May 22. Star Wars celebrates it's 35th on May 24, alongside yours truly. Finally, there is Ridley Scott's classic Alien, which debuted in theatres 33 years ago on May 25.

Yes, it is this time a year, I find of great happiness.

Those two icons have been a huge part of my life. Great times, fandom and entertainment galore.

So if you have or haven't played a round of Pac-Man, do so today. The same goes for Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope and Alien. I really don't care if you watch the original theatrical edition on DVD or the super duper explosive editions on Blu-Ray, both bring happy feelings to myself.

Enjoy the good times! :)

Sony Tablet S Android ICS/Gaming Update

Ice Cream Sandwich for the Sony Tablet S, arrived in "The Great White North" 2 weeks after it's official U.S. launch. The new OS is simply amazing.

Everything about it is slicker, cleaner and a heck of a lot sweeter to use. I've added a few widgets to my main screen from a simple Wi-Fi on/off button to a Twitter feed window. Very nice stuff! Apps are now grouped in special folders, making the experience nice and clean.

I've taken a few panoramic shots with the camera and found it to work very slick. Heck, I've even synced a PlayStation Dual Shock controller to the tablet. Now that's a gamer's dream!

The added value of ICS is incredible. An OS that sneaks up behind Apple's iOS with amazing results. Now I'm curious about the upcoming Jelly Bean Android OS, supposeldy coming this fall.

As for gaming, I purchased EA's Mass Effect: Infiltrator and Gameloft's Gangstar Rio: City of Saints. I've only played a little bit here and there, but what I've experienced is delicious!

Looking into the future, Sega's Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode II and Rockstar Game's Max Payne are aimed for a June release. Thankfully, that's just around the corner. I can't wait to play them both!

Max Payne Feels the Pain

I finished the single player campaign for Max Payne 3. What an adrenaline rush! From start to finish, the game is pure gold. The action, cinematic presentation, to narrative, to pure gameplay control, this game delivers.

Is it to early in the year to start handing out game of the year awards? Nah! Hell! Why not?!?

If you haven't played MP3, you need too!

As for the status of original Max Payne on Android, Rockstar Games has commented that it is still being tweaked and pinched. It will be arriving hopefully in June, for the nearly 4000 different Android devices on the market.

Wait! What? Nearly 4000 Android devices?

Yes, there are officially that many of them on the market. So it's understandable that Rockstar would spend a little extra time and make the highly anticipated game available for as many as possible. It makes more users happy and makes Rockstar a little more money. I don't mind the extra wait. However, I still can't wait to play it on my Sony Tablet S.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Canadians Recieve A Sony Ice Cream Sandwich

2 weeks after it's American launch, Android 4.0 has arrived for Canadian Sony Tablet S owners.

The tasty Ice Cream Sandwich update features a slicker interface, direct SD card access, a panoramic photograph mode and much, much more. Everything just looks, feels and runs better. The interface simply rocks!

So what r u doing? Update ur baby now! Jump into ur tablet settings and apply a system update. ;)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Canadians Have To Wait For An Ice Cream Sandwich

"Great job sony, Ice cream sandwhich is awesome. I didnt expect this much new improvements/features. Feels like I got a new tablet. Thanks!" - Anonymous, Sony Blog, Comments

On Thursday, April 26th, The Sony Blog announced that Android 4.0 was available for the Sony Tablet S. This of course, meant that the U.S. was recieving the much anticipated updated OS. Not so here in Canada.

I know there are plenty of people out there who would love to flip Sony the bird. Believe me, I'm just as frustrated as everyone. However, I believe this has to do with the Canadian cellular service guildlines, laws, BS, ect.

In fact, a number of mobile devices, such as Motorola and Samsung, have yet to receive the latest Android OS in "The Great White North". Sadly, they have waited longer than we who own the Sony Tablet S.

Why you may ask? Tablets appear to be categorized as "mobile" devices, placing them in the same bunch as cell phones. This places tablets, even those with just wi-fi, under a more strict guideline practice.

Crap. This sucks.

What can we Canucks do? Ride it out. I believe Sony, Samsung and Motorola infact, have to battle it out with the big bear on this one until their updates can roll out.

Yes, crap indeed.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What's Up? Updates!

See that picture on the left? Doesn't that just make you happy?

It sure does!

The blogging and the twitting have been slow recently. I'm afraid life, baby, sleep, work and taxes have taken up the majority of my time. However in May, things will turn up here.

So what have I been playing?

New games such as Unit 13 on the PS Vita.

Retro games such as Max Payne, Namco and Midway Arcades on the iPod Touch.

Plus, big blockbusters such as Grand Theft Auto IV: Tales of Liberty City on PS3.

As for the future of this blog, expect a Pac-Man retrospective podcast. I recorded one which didn't turn out so well. Then I got down with a spring cold of plenty of coughing and more coughing. Followed by more coughing.  The Pac will be the next podcast which I am very excited to do!

Keep playing! ;)

Friday, April 20, 2012

PlayStation Suite Open Beta

Sony's PlayStation Suite has an "open beta" right now. Users, developers and anyone with curiosity, can start work on apps and games under the program. When finished, the goodies will be loaded onto the PlayStation Network Store. Allowing devices that support the "PlayStation Suite" to access the content. Devices include the latest Sony phones, tablets and Vita.

Exciting stuff!

Check it out for yourself. ;)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Mobile Gaming Recent Adventures

When you have a 1 year old baby, the family television becomes a childrens programming reciever 90% of the time. Other baby responsibilities involve being on the go most of the time. So my gaming hobby has become very focused to portable gaming devices. I play my PS Vita and N3DS plenty, but as of recently most of purchases have been on the mobile front. Let's take a peek. :)

iOS - With trusted iPod Touch 4 at my side, these recent games rock... HARD!

Soul Calibur

The Sega Dreamcast launch classic is now with me wherever I go. Hooray! Remastered in HD and playing not to bad with a touch digital input, it remains a favorite. I'm not the biggest gamer of fighters, but Soul Calibur remains an easily accessible game, unlike the Street Fighter series. This app is a bit on the pricy side at $14.99 but it is worth it. The soul still burns!

Pac-Man Games

Namco may have released the previous game at a premium, but this is an exciting budget release. Pac-Man Games is a time based marathon of arcade classics from Pac-Man to Galaga to Dig Dug. The clock ticks as you max out your score, battling for supemecy on worldwide ranking boards. Only $2.99 and worth every penny.

Modern Combat 3

Oh Gameloft, you dastardly devils. Notorious for their blatant ripping off of franchises. However, they're recent portfolio has hit a stride of quality gaming. If you ever wanted a portable Call of Duty Modern Warefare 3 in your pocket, this is the closest you're going to get. Much like MW3, America is under attack from the Ruskies and you gotta stop it! Fun stuff excities and begs for real twin stick control... from like a real life contrroller. Not touch controls.

Max Payne

Rockstar Games classic for $2.99. Download this right now. Looking great with all the bells and whistles of the original release, Rockstar continues quality at incredible value. Controls can be a little cramped. However, one of your morning coffee's will cost more than this. So, yeah. Get it now. It'll help jack ya up before MX3 comes out.

Android - My Sony Tablet S has been recieving plenty of love from these gaming delights.

Small Street

The recent craze of "Sim Tower" games has resulted in plenty to choose from. Glu's Small Street is an entertaining take which has the user develop a street. Buisnesses are built as small folk cruise around on taxi rides to destinations. Fun free stuff!

Dungeon Hunter 3

I love me this series, from iOS to the PS3 to the Vita. Dungeon Hunter is a stable of Diablo-esque killing mosters and snatching loot. Oh Gameloft, again you evil empire. It's free to play, so you might as well try it out.

Six Guns

I'm on a Gameloft roll. Did you like Red Dead redemption? Did you ever want it on the go? Well your in luck because, surprise! Gameloft got you covered dog! Free. Yeah you know you want it.

Let's Golf 3

Hot Shots golf is my favorite golf series. Guess what? You know who made a clone. It's a fantastic clone and it's free.

Super Monkey Ball 2 Sakura Edition

I combination of new and greatest levels from previous SMB games, a gamers delight utilizing the gyros in your tablet. Goofy challenging fun! Thank you Sega!

There you have it. From the pricey to free, lots of joy can easily be found on mobile gaming devices.

Stay thirsty my friends! ;)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Pac-Man Movie... Smile Time! ;)

The blog has been Pac-Man focused recently. Let's keep it up, shall we?

This beautiful video is done by the fine folks at Steelhouse Digital. What can I say but WOW! It's amazing! Bitchin'! Awesome!

It will bring a smile to your face!

Umm.... Could we just make this movie please? Pretty please? ;)

Official Website: Project Yellow Sphere

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I Just Got An iCade!

If you have an Android Tablet or Apple iPad, you have to get one of these.

ION's iCade is a beautiful tabletop arcade cabinet, allowing your coin-op gaming dreams to come true. It feels authentic, looks gorgeous and plays awesome.

The most important aspect is that the controls are solid. They feel exactly like it's big arcade cabinet counterpart. The construction is just as solid, not overly heavy nor feeling cheap. It is perfect.

iPad owners will be especially happy to find out that (gasp!) Pac-Man is compatible with the device. Hooray! This made a lot of people very happy! Pac-Man is an important retro game title worldwide. Hopefully this will encourage more retro game developers to add iCade support to their current and future titles.

The iCade retails for $99 and is a must purchase for any gamer.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

State of The Pac-Man Union 2012

Pac-Man 2012.

Alright. Let's get down to business. This post is going to round up all of the recent Pac-Man news, happenings and going on's for every-bodies favorite little yellow hero.


PAC-MANGAMES is now available for your Apple device. The fast paced, arcade glorified title allows users to compete in world wide rankings as you for the top socre within Namco arcade favorites such as Pac-Man and Galaxian.


Last post I mentioned that Namco Bandai, finally took it upon themselves to released a new TV plug and play game. The PAC-MAN Connect-and-Play video game will be available this summer and features over 10 arcade classics including Pac-Man, Super Pac-Man, Mappy and Dig Dug.


Recent game releases such as Soul Calibur V, Street Fighter X Tekken, Ridge Racer Unbounded and Touch My Katamari feature playable Pac-Man levels, skins, costumes, themes, ect.


PAC-MAN: THE COMPLETE FIRST SEASON has arrived on dvd. Currently only available to USA residents as a manufacture on demand title, the 80's classic Hanna-Barbera cartoon will entertain retro gamers.


The long awaited return of an animated Pac-Man will arrive on Disney TV in 2013. Pac-Man The Adventure Begins will be a 26 episode season will be presented in 3D alongside a huge media launch including a toy line. I can't wait!

There you have it, all that is going on in the world of Pac-Man Fever!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

BREAKING! New Pac-Man TV Game!

Pac-Man. That game sums up my childhood. It got me into video games and exploded my imagination of all things Pac-Man, Ghosts and Power Pellets.

For years, Jakks TV Games has been pumping out the Pac-Man licensed plug and play games.

Today, Namco Bandai has taken over responsibilities themselves and are introducing a brand new one which looks amazing. Included are 12 Namco arcade classics from Pac-Man to Super Pac-Man to Dig Dug.

What is significant, is that this is the first time that one of these plug and play tv devices will run the original arcade game roms instead of recreations.

Head over to the OFFICIAL WEBPAGE and please check out an in depth article from COLLECTIONDX.

PSO2 Free To Play

The long awaited Phantasy Star Online 2 has not only been confirmed to exist by Sega themselves, they have announced the platforms the title will appear on and it's pricing structure.

The game will be available for your PC and PlayStation Vita. These systems will be able to cross platform play with each other. Awesome! Also, a mobile edition will appear which will be a different, scaled back experience.All versions will be free-to-play.

Sweet! I can't wait!

Zipper Shut Down

Sad days are hitting the video game industry. Not only is Sega laying off employees around the globe for restructuring purposes, Sony is shutting down one of its longest running first party studios.

Zipper Interactive, responsible for Sony's tactical shooters is closing. Like most studios like Zipper, they have struggled to capture the imaginations of gamers in a world taken over by Call of Duty. Believe me, I love me some Call of Duty. I just completed Modern Warfare 3 and I can only describe it with one word, "EPIC". It blew my mind. That is the competition Zipper had. I loved Socom 4 and currently playing Unit 13 with it's daily challenges. I love these games and I hate to see the team disappear, with those franchises now in question.

Best wishes to all those who have departed from Sony.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sony Tablets Updating to 4.0.3 Late April

The tasty Android Ice Cream Sandwich update will  officially be available for Sony Tablet owners by late April. Owners of either the S or P tablets will have access to it with much happiness. ;)

Click HERE to get the 411 from Sony Japan.

Wes Anderson's Sony Commercial

The man who has made such wonderful films such as The Royal Tenebaums and Fantastic Mr. Fox, has recently directed a commercial for Sony's Xperia phone line. What a treat it is!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

New iPad Interest Poll

Tech news super site engadget has recently conducted an online poll for fellow users to judge the interest of Apple's "New iPad".

As of this writing, results are the following -

The new iPad: are you buying one? 

Already got it! 13295 (22.0%)
Yes, I'm upgrading from the original iPad / iPad. 26025 (10.0%)
I'm gonna take a look in-store first. 12305 (20.3%)
Nah, I'm more interested in an Android slate. 18669 (30.9%)
Tablets? Not for me thanks! 10196 (16.9%)

Hmm... Interesting. Results may change as time marches forward, however it is interesting to note those who are more interested in Android. The "New iPad" is a powerhouse, looks amazing and of course, one can not deny that wonderful "App Store".

If you are a regular reader of this blog, I do enjoy my Sony products and I do own the Tablet S. This Android tablet is solid offering tech specs that are roughly in between the iPad 2 and "New iPad". My interest of Apple's latest and greatest tablet is huge. I will probably purchase one in the future. However, I am still happy with my Sony tablet at the moment.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Podcast 05 - PS Vita Review Special

Podcast 05 is here! I have to say it is one of the best to date. I review and discuss the Vita alongside a number of launch titles from Uncharted to Super Startdust Delta. Enjoy!


Podcast Powered By Podbean

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sonic Documentary Celebrating 20 Years

I was surfing the internets, when I stumbled upon this sweet Sonic doc. Enjoy!

Give Windows 8 A Test Drive

It's been busy weeks in the tech world of happenings and going on's. The PS Vita launched to much fan fare and praise. The Mobile World Congress wrapped up last week.

Plus, the coming week appears to be just as busy. Apple's keynote to unveil the iPad 3 is just around the corner. The Game Developers Conference (GDC 2012) is happening this week. Now, more tech fun comes from Microsoft.

Users are able to experience a small sampling of the upcoming Windows 8 operating system. This OS is generating huge news around the industry, as it offers a universal system of navigating, operating and experiencing apps on your mobile, tablet and desktop computer. I'm pretty excited myself.

Download it and check it out for yourself HERE.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

PS Vita Review Podcast Incoming

This weekend, expect an epic PlayStation Vita podcast. Featuring a review of the hardware and several launch titles, it will be sweet ride! Hope you are enjoying your Vita. I know I am loving the sweet portable bliss. ;)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Apple iPad 3 Smash Universe March 7th

I am very excited about this.

I purchased a Sony Tablet S last November during pre-Christmas sales. The savings where literally around $200 bucks over an iPad 2. So I caved in and was delighted by Sony's first venture into the tablet territory, with award winning results.

Now Apple is bringing out the big guns.

Rumors of a monsterous retina display for the device appear to be concrete alongside HD cameras and quad core CPUs. The iPad 3 is going to be a beast. Will it be enough as a wanted purchase? Only time will tell. I hope they don't jack the price up, which is also another rumor in itself. I wouldn't doubt that Apple would do it, because they can. The iPad 3 will be officially unveiled on Wedneday, March 7th during one of Apple's much anticipated events.

Hooray! I love me some tech press conferences!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

PS Vita and Fireplace Update

Winter in my Canadian neck of the woods has been beyond normal, in a good way. It has been sunny, warm with barely a hint of snow. Last season was typical. Lots of snow. Lots of cold.

Now the snow hits the fan. An incoming snow and cold spell is flying in from the west, headed east bringing the season back to its normal course.

Yes. Lots of snow. Lots of cold. Returns.

So this weekend, I find myself seated into my fireplace, playing my Vita. Oh the things I am forced to do by nature itself. ;)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Playing Vita Is Good For You

I was going to upload an audio journal of my first five days with the PS Vita Early Edition, however that is on hold for a bit. I'll get to it at some point, but I would rather play the thing as much as possible. I'm pretty sure you've got your fill of reviews and previews. Look the bottom line is that it is a console, portable and mobile experience smashed beautifully all into one. Only it is so much more than any single one of those devices. You owe it to yourself to get one.

I've been enjoying Uncharted, Lumines, Super Stardust and Rayman. All are awesome. These giant console games are always with me. I can obtain trophies wherever I am. I can access the PlayStation Network on any wi-fi spot. Near is simply amazing.

I could jibber-jab further about it but simply, you won't understand me until you experience it for yourself.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

BigBoss Wants You! Next MGS In Development!


It appears that Kojima Productions is now hiring for their next Metal Gear Solid title.

Sick! Awesome! Kick ass!

The game is being developed for "next generations consoles and PC". Nice. The last MGS game that hit the PC was Metal Gear Solid 2, a long time ago.

On a similar, some what related note, MGS: Peace Walker and MGS: Digital Comic are both compatible with the PS Vita. Simply re-download the titles from your PSN account onto your PS3. Do not install the titles on to the console, let them stay as bubbles. Next, connect your Vita to the PS3 and fire up the Content Manager on your Vita. Then... SHAZZAM! Copy them over and play a little bit of Metal Gear on your portable. It'll help tide you over until the HD collection hits it.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Vita Impressions Continued

I can confidently confirm that the PS Vita is awesome and after 3 days of playing with it, still highly entertaining. ;)

I've been playing it in a few public places with public wi-fi access. Syncing trophies from those spots has been fast. Faster than my PS3 ever synced at home.

Let's just say that the Vita is more than a PS3, much more than a PSP. It has more ways to interact with games than any previous desktop, console, portable or mobile device before it. It is such a joy to play with. That is saying a lot my friends and I'm dead serious about that.

It is the best. If you are a gamer and gaming is your hobby, you owe it to yourself to get one. This is why we game. This is why we play. The Vita does everything RIGHT.

Go get one.

Twisted Metal Shoots My Truck

I did it. I did it for the Jaffe.

Even with spending a zillion dollars on Vita Early Editions, games and accessories, I still had to pick up Twisted Metal. The latest entry for the series and the first for the PS3 is an absolute blast! The game is heart pounding and extremely addictive. This is one of those games you play with a big fat grin on your face in delight. Damn! The soundtrack kicks ass! It fits the experience perfectly. I have to admit, when you finally complete an extremely challenging stage over 20 minutes, you feel damn good and exhausted.

I love this game. I'm happy I got it.

Check out below for the finale of the "Shoot My Truck" ad campaign from Sony. Hosted by David "The Man" Jaffe, as contestants had an opportunity to destroy Sweet Tooth's truck in real life. Yes, with a real gun and real bullets. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

PS Vita More Impressions.

Included with the Vita is a series of interactive tutorials. Entitled Welcome Park, they easily show the user all of the features of your new favorite mobile device.

I have tried out the Content Manager to copy over a few movies, psp games and a couple of music albums to the Vita. The interface is easy to use. You use your Vita touch screen to do all of the navigation between the connected devices, via usb cable, to select and copy the content. Straight forward and easy to use.

Psp games look awesome. Press and hold the Vita's front touch screen to provide you with a series of emulation options including screen filtering and second analog stick support. Oh my!

I am working on a day to day, audio diary of my Vita experience. Expect these complete recordings to be offered as a podcast later in the week!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bloggin With The Vita

This quick post is being written via the PS Vita's web browser. I'm impressed by the speed of it. The glorious OLED screen makes the internets look very impressive. On the game side, holy crap Uncharted: Golden Abyss is friggin amazing! I love it! Big impressions will be posted soon. Stay tuned!

PlayStation Vita Launches!

It's here!

I've got mine. I haven't been able to play it yet with life being so busy. However, I can confirm that the screen is gorgeous. I have updated the firmware, installed my downloaded purchases and charged her up. So she's ready for prime-time!

Expect impressions very soon.

To hold you over here are a few reviews to check out. I choose non-video game news sites. Why? I found it interesting that general tech news sites to be very impressed with the hardware and software offering. Their opinions, I found to be very informative, comparing the hardware to the grand scheme of things within the mobile tech industry.




Sony Tablet S Wins Design Award

One of the greatest compliments out of all of the reviews for Sony's Tablet S is it's beautiful, comfortable design factor. Elegant, Sexy, yet extremely comfortable to use, the tablet has been a winner. To many, it is their favorite Android tablet.

Esato is reporting that the S has won the iF Product Design Award 2012 in the Tablet category. The iF awards are selected from industry professionals from all corners of mobile, electronics and telecommunications. Sony also won an award for their Ericsson Xperia active, which was awarded the iF Product Design Award 2012 gold.

Very cool! Could 2012 be the year of Sony? I hope so!

BTW: Did you get your PS Vita yet?!?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

My First Computer

Yes it was a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

I introduce you to the TRS-80 MC-10. An under powered, introductory computer that would be crushed by my eventual Commodore 64.

Wow. I honestly haven't even thought about that little computer in ages. She sure is a cute little computer. Definitely attractive with the "chiclets" style keyboard and piano white, modern style. I remember coding for hours, typing in basic code to breath life into it. I think I still have it in my basement somewhere.

If your interested in learning more, check out the wikipedia entry HERE.

Plus, these guys have a kick ass site with brand new games for it HERE.

Madden 12 Season Is At An End

Well Football fans. *sniff*

The Super Bowl has ended which means, the big ole' final Madden 12 roster update will be rolling out. *sniff* Expect it sometime this week. *sniff* ;(

There is the NFL Combine and Draft to look forward to. *sniff* EA Sports has also announced they will be starting their Madden 13 cover vote on March 6th.

There is stuff to look forward to. No games being played, but mystery and intrigue continues to lure fans for their favorite NFL franchise. Who will be in, who will be out. Hmmm... Interesting.

It was a particular exciting yet frustrating season for Packers fans, such as myself. An awesome record setting 15-1 season was rolling out, that is until the 1st round of the playoffs when we where blown away by the Giants. *sniff* It still burns. However, according to my franchise in Madden 12, the Green Bay Packers did win the Super Bowl. ;)

David Jaffe Kicks Ass

One of my favourite modern game developers is the man, David Jaffe.

God of War and Twisted Metal are two big PlayStation franchises the man is responsible for. The upcoming release of PS3's Twisted Metal is generating big buzz with old and new fans alike. So watch this...

Awesome! Right? Hell yeah!
While we are on topic the man. Why not watch this and exercise your brain a bit? It's great stuff! From DICE 2012, the man discusses narrative and video gameplay.

PlayStation Blog Welcomes You To Vita

This is awesome.

To be surrounded by crap loads of social media and sites celebrating the PlayStation Vita's upcoming launch. Sony's own PS Blog, has uploaded a heft 12 minute video showing off the portable powerhouse.


Friday, February 10, 2012

PSP Compatible Vita Titles

What I understand about PSP backwards compatibility for the Vita is that, it is a combination of software emulation and hardware. Sorta a half and half situation. One can't strictly write an emulator and SHAZAAM! It works.

Off the start, not all of the PSP games downloadable from the PSN are ready to run on your brand spanking new Vita. Sony has comprised a list and a "how-to-guide" of getting your classic collection on to the new portable power house.

Notable games that are compatible include the God of War titles, The 3rd Birthday, Dissidia: Final Fantasy and Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny.

Check out the complete list HERE. It is noted that as time marches forward, more and more titles will be added.

PS Vita Unboxed

The kind folks at The Official PlayStation Blog have uploaded a video showcasing the unboxing of your favorite new portable video game system. Damn fine! Oh and Abby Reyes of the PS Blog is very cute as well. ;)


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Breaking News: Vita Games On The PSN!

I'll get straight to the point.

Uncharted: Golden Abyss - $44.99
ModNation Racers Road Trip - $26.99
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational - $35.99
Wipeout 2048 - $35.99
Super Stardust Delta - $9.99

These games are on the PlayStation Network Store right now, alongside their respected prices. Do some digging around and you'll notice that Sony did keep their promise of a "digital discount" on downloadable games. It's not the most gigantic discount ever, but it is welcome and it'll help "pay back" for that memory card you had to purchase.

I have purchased/downloaded Uncharted, ModNation Racers and Hot Shots Golf. Awesome! I can't wait for my Vita! ;)

Google Chrome Finally Hits Google Android

The Sony Tablet S is my first Android platform device. One of the first things I attempted to do was download Google's own Chrome web browser for it. It made sense, use Google's own web browser for their own mobile platform.

Sadly, Chrome wasn't on the Android Market, even alongside other useful Google apps. I'm sure there is a perfectly logical explanation as to why Google never had their beloved web browser on their own mobile OS. Hmmm...

That has all changed as of now, exclusive for Android 4.0 users, Chrome Beta has finally arrived. Ice cream Sandwich devices can use it now, sadly the Sony Tablet S won't be upgraded to the tasty platform until spring. Then I can finally test ride the "new" browser.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Vita Getting MGS HD Collection Soon

Beloved video game developer/creator/writer/producer/director/all-around-awesome-dude Hideo Kojima, has been Tweeting recently about the upcoming Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for the PlayStation Vita. I can't wait for this package!

Included should be all of the contents of the HD console package. The contents consisted of MGS 2, 3 and Peace Walker. Alongside the original MSX Metal Gear 1 & 2 games. This package is massive and is essential to any gamer. To have this much MGS goodness on the go for myself, is mind blowing awesome!

Yeah, you can tell I'm excited!

It appears that the collection will also utilize the Vita's unique controls, such as being able to slit enemies throat's via sliding the back track pad. The collection is slated to arrive later this year.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Podcast 04 - Sony PSP Retrospective

Just in time for the North American PlayStation Vita, a look back at Sony's PSP. The company's first handheld gaming/multimedia device. Discussed are the system's various hardware revisions, firmware updates and essential games.

Podcast Direct Link Download

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sony Troubles: Kaz Ain't Softening Sh*t Up

A few posts ago, I mentioned that The Wall Street Journal official confirmed that Kazuo Hirai will lead the full Sony company very soon. Kaz gave a recent interview to the news organization, which was direct and not full of soft cuddly BS.

"I thought turning around the PlayStation business was going to be the toughest challenge of my career, but I guess not," he said in an exclusive interview with The Wall Street Journal in January, talking about difficulties in fixing the electronics business. "It's one issue after another. I feel like 'Holy s—, now what?'"

The Interview is fascinating, especially that bit I had to BOLD with my magnificent "cut & paste" style of reporting. Kaz is serious about Sony's situation, confronted with a company that has eyes seeing through past glory's and not focused on future success. It's a great interview, so please check it out.

PS Vita Games Are Out Now!

PlayStation Vita games are out in retail chains now. Right now! Hooray!

As you can see, Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Hot Shots Golf: World International are my first two purchases. Exciting!

Expect accessories to hit shelves this week, just in time for the first bundle release on February 15th.

Hooray! :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Breaking News: Vita Digital Distribution To Be Cheaper

Let's make this short but sweet...

You can purchase your PlayStation Vita games either -

a) In a retail chain, games are distributed on a propiatory card format.

b) On Sony's PSN, as a digital game storred on your Vita's memory card.

Of course, digital distributed of games do not have fancy box art, packaging or physical manuals. So it is with great happiness that digital game's purchases will be around 5 dollars cheaper. Hooray!

Monstrous entertaining IGN received the 411 from Sony themselves, their response ""PSN games will be discounted. We will be issuing final pricing details shortly."

My plan has been since day one, is to purchase most of Vita content via the PlayStation Network. I really don't fancy myself caring around a bunch of tiny game cards. So it is welcoming to see a discount at the checkout, since the counter argument is that I loose a physical copy.

Source: IGN

Kaz Is The Man

Beloved PlayStation big man Kaz Hirai, has been rumored for months to become president of Sony. Yes, Sony. Not it's music or movie division. The main company itself. The whole cheese.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Kaz will become president and chief executive officer of Sony within the next couple of months.

His success with the PlayStation brand is nothing but amazing. Especially in the wake of last year's PlayStation Network attack/shutdown and Japan's Tsunami disaster, which crippled the company, only to see profits return/rise by year's end.

Yes. Kaz is the man. We at Gamer Win Hands Down wish to congratulate him in his new roll. Hopefully, this doesn't mean that he won't be making any more E3 appearances.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Epic Samsung Super Bowl Commercial Incoming

Continuing the theme of Super Bowl updating posts, Samsung will be unveiling an epic 90-second ad during the game's 4th quarter.

The commercial will introduce the Samsung Galaxy Note to the North American market. It was directed by Bobby Farrelly, the writer and co-director of such epic comedies as "Something About Marry", "Kingpin" and the upcoming "The Three Stooges". It is being reported that Samsung is paying the NFL upwards of 9 million dollars for the air time.

Wow! Can't wait to see it!

Unit 13 Takes Over Your PS Vita March 6th

Sony has mentioned in interviews that one of the lessons learned from the PSP experience, is to trickle down AAA game experiences immediately after launch. The promise appears to be taken to heart for the post-Vita launch, with an upcoming game from Zipper Interactive.

Unit 13 is a mixture of Metal Gear Solid and Socom.

Wait a second! A mixture of that? MGS and SOCOM? Holy crap! Bring it on!

The Vita exclusive, brand new franchise will challenge gamers as they encounter over 30  maps, for single or co-op play. Once completed, one can upload their completion times in world rankings on 45 single player leader boards. Plus, there will be daily missions to compete in to keep the community activity rolling. The game also represents the first signifigant use of the dual stick controls for "1st person control" for a 3rd person perspective.

I am excited for this one!

Honda Teases Ferris Sequel... NOT!

Not only does the Super Bowl promise 3 hours of excellent football entertainment, but multi-million dollar awesome commercials!

A week ago, there was a mysterious 10 second Ferris Bueller clip appeared online, which appeared to tease an upcoming movie. Rumors smashed the internets! Fans exploded! Sadly, there is no sequel. Only a car ad and a darn fine good one too.

Matthew's Day Off, is a loving tribute to the 80's classic comedy. Complete with scene tributes and Bueller speaking to the camera/audience. It runs over a couple of minutes and can be seen down below.

*sniff* No sequel? *sniff*

Monday, January 30, 2012

Patriots To Win Super Bowl... According To Madden

Every year EA Sports runs their big ole' Madden NFL game simulator to predict the winner of the Super Bowl. This year marks the return of the New York Giants versus the New England Patriots. Sadly, I'm still licking my wounds from the Packers loss during the playoffs. *sniff* It still burns... *sniff*

Anyway, let the game begin. Watch the simulation result below.

Vita Games Launching Early

In a little over 2 weeks, PlayStation Vita Early Editions will hit store shelves. A concern has been the availability of game titles. Besides the packed in Little Deviants for early adopters, what more can gamers look forward too?

It appears that hard copies of Vita games will be arriving in EB Games/GameStop retail stores. Here in Canada, a number of exciting titles are going to be arriving very early.

According to the retail chain, Uncharted: Golden Abyss will be available February 8th, alongside ModNation Racers and Wipeout 2048. Not to shabby at all. Also arriving early are all of UbiSoft's launch titles, including Rayman: Origins and Dungeon Hunter: Alliance with a retail release on February 15th.

What is in question is the release of digital titles. I plan to do most of my purchases as digital goods. My best guess is that on the PlayStation Network of Tuesday, February 14th, the launch titles mentioned above will be available.

Keeping my fingers crossed!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Insomniac's Resistance Is Over

Insomniac Games and Sony have had a wonderful relationship. With each iteration of PlayStation hardware, they delivered.

The PS1 had Spyro. The PS2 saw the arrival of Ratchet and Clank. Finally, a Resistance was formed for the PS3.

I know there a zillion "DRAMATIC" reports about the failure of Resistance 3 and that was the reason why Insomniac has decided to throw in the towel.

Not So.

According to CEO Ted Price, Insomniac's story arc and game development of the series had reached a finally. A trilogy of great games, ending with a superb final chapter.

I'm happy that Ted took to the "internets", addressed concerns and put out flames. Resistance was a great launch title for the PS3. It's sequel was even better with innovative co-operative and online modes. Finally, Resistance 3 is a masterpiece. There are so many epic and OMG moments in that game. Oh my... You must play it.