Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Epic Samsung Super Bowl Commercial Incoming

Continuing the theme of Super Bowl updating posts, Samsung will be unveiling an epic 90-second ad during the game's 4th quarter.

The commercial will introduce the Samsung Galaxy Note to the North American market. It was directed by Bobby Farrelly, the writer and co-director of such epic comedies as "Something About Marry", "Kingpin" and the upcoming "The Three Stooges". It is being reported that Samsung is paying the NFL upwards of 9 million dollars for the air time.

Wow! Can't wait to see it!

Unit 13 Takes Over Your PS Vita March 6th

Sony has mentioned in interviews that one of the lessons learned from the PSP experience, is to trickle down AAA game experiences immediately after launch. The promise appears to be taken to heart for the post-Vita launch, with an upcoming game from Zipper Interactive.

Unit 13 is a mixture of Metal Gear Solid and Socom.

Wait a second! A mixture of that? MGS and SOCOM? Holy crap! Bring it on!

The Vita exclusive, brand new franchise will challenge gamers as they encounter over 30  maps, for single or co-op play. Once completed, one can upload their completion times in world rankings on 45 single player leader boards. Plus, there will be daily missions to compete in to keep the community activity rolling. The game also represents the first signifigant use of the dual stick controls for "1st person control" for a 3rd person perspective.

I am excited for this one!

Honda Teases Ferris Sequel... NOT!

Not only does the Super Bowl promise 3 hours of excellent football entertainment, but multi-million dollar awesome commercials!

A week ago, there was a mysterious 10 second Ferris Bueller clip appeared online, which appeared to tease an upcoming movie. Rumors smashed the internets! Fans exploded! Sadly, there is no sequel. Only a car ad and a darn fine good one too.

Matthew's Day Off, is a loving tribute to the 80's classic comedy. Complete with scene tributes and Bueller speaking to the camera/audience. It runs over a couple of minutes and can be seen down below.

*sniff* No sequel? *sniff*

Monday, January 30, 2012

Patriots To Win Super Bowl... According To Madden

Every year EA Sports runs their big ole' Madden NFL game simulator to predict the winner of the Super Bowl. This year marks the return of the New York Giants versus the New England Patriots. Sadly, I'm still licking my wounds from the Packers loss during the playoffs. *sniff* It still burns... *sniff*

Anyway, let the game begin. Watch the simulation result below.

Vita Games Launching Early

In a little over 2 weeks, PlayStation Vita Early Editions will hit store shelves. A concern has been the availability of game titles. Besides the packed in Little Deviants for early adopters, what more can gamers look forward too?

It appears that hard copies of Vita games will be arriving in EB Games/GameStop retail stores. Here in Canada, a number of exciting titles are going to be arriving very early.

According to the retail chain, Uncharted: Golden Abyss will be available February 8th, alongside ModNation Racers and Wipeout 2048. Not to shabby at all. Also arriving early are all of UbiSoft's launch titles, including Rayman: Origins and Dungeon Hunter: Alliance with a retail release on February 15th.

What is in question is the release of digital titles. I plan to do most of my purchases as digital goods. My best guess is that on the PlayStation Network of Tuesday, February 14th, the launch titles mentioned above will be available.

Keeping my fingers crossed!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Insomniac's Resistance Is Over

Insomniac Games and Sony have had a wonderful relationship. With each iteration of PlayStation hardware, they delivered.

The PS1 had Spyro. The PS2 saw the arrival of Ratchet and Clank. Finally, a Resistance was formed for the PS3.

I know there a zillion "DRAMATIC" reports about the failure of Resistance 3 and that was the reason why Insomniac has decided to throw in the towel.

Not So.

According to CEO Ted Price, Insomniac's story arc and game development of the series had reached a finally. A trilogy of great games, ending with a superb final chapter.

I'm happy that Ted took to the "internets", addressed concerns and put out flames. Resistance was a great launch title for the PS3. It's sequel was even better with innovative co-operative and online modes. Finally, Resistance 3 is a masterpiece. There are so many epic and OMG moments in that game. Oh my... You must play it.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sonic 4 Episode I Speeds Onto Android

Sonic CD has been available on the Android Market a little over a month ago. The early Christmas present from Sega, is pure gold. Many consider it to be Sonic's shinning moment in gaming.

Before it's release, Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode I has been exciting fans with new visuals, tunes and levels. The game has been available for iOS owners for sometime now. Finally, the modern day classic hits Android devices.

Sonic has been speeding around the video game industry for over 20 years. I still remember seeing the first title in the series, over at a friend's house on a Sega Genesis back in the day. Wow! Where has the time gone? Sonic 4 has been a special game for fans new and old and new, being the first 2D title in 16 years. It is retailing on the download market for around 4 bucks and is essential for any Android user.

Direct Link To Android Market Info Page

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ice Cream Sandwich Makes Sony Tablets Tasty!


Android OS 4.0, belovedly named Ice Cream Sandwich,  has been sweetening devices with it's chocolatey exterior and creamy vanilla filled center.

Sorry about that. I couldn't help myself. ;)

The latest Android OS, will hit Sony Tablets this spring according to techradar.com. Ice Cream Sandwich will add face unlock and Goodle+ features, among other delicious treats to the devices. The update will also add PlayStation DualShock compatibility. It will allow the user to play all those glorious, upcoming PS1 and PSP classics with the durable controller. Finally, Microsoft Office will be delivering the goods on the tablet in a future update. Hooray!

I love my Tablet S with it's beautiful design and functionality. Sony has stated that it was the best selling Android tablet during the last sales period, aka Christmas time. They where out of the gate last with this type of device, which continues to surprise most tech geeks. So it is very positive to see that sales have been great, and that more and more features will be rolling out for it in the future.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sony's New Cellphone/Mobile Camera For iPhone 5?!?!

Could this potentially be the camera for Apple's iPhone 5?

Last year, Sony struck a sweet gig by providing the camera for the iPhone 4S. The 8-megapixel camera is impressive, taking the best photos on the mobile cellphone market.

Yesterday, Sony provided a press release showing off their latest and greatest in CMOS (complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor) active image sensors.

The technology is displaying impressive results, providing brighter and more colorful photos in darker lit situations. The color range during brighter pictures has greatly increased as well. These little beauties of technology start rolling out now for 2012 mobile products.

Yep, it appears that this is the iPhone 5's camera. ;)

Click Here To Read Sony's Press Release

Monday, January 23, 2012

PSP Games Finally Arrive On Sony Tablets

Last summer (summer 2011) when Sony's tablets where unveiled, it was mentioned that they would be part of their "Playstation Certification" program. This would allow specific Sony devices under this program to play PlayStation One and Portable games. Finally, it appears that the first round of PSP titles will be hitting the tablets very soon.

Three games have been identified, according to the ESRB. They are Daxter, Flow and Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror. All are solid, great games to start the PSP game line with.

I am especially very fond of Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror. It is developed by Sony Bend, who where responsible for the excellent PSP title Resistance: Retribution and the upcoming Uncharted: Golden Abyss for the Vita. That's the one you should download first. Trust me, you'll love it! ;)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Podcast Episode 03 - The Pre-Release Vita Show

 The PlayStation Vita will launch in North America in less than a month! Launch games are discussed alongside Sony's beautiful hardware deisgn.

Direct Download Link

Podcast Powered By Podbean

Dragon's Lair - Review - Sony Tablet S

My childhood was spent in the 80's. The cold was was at an all time high. Pop culture exploded with Michael Jackson. Spielberg and Lucas were at the top of their game. Saturday morning cartoon's  where treasured alongside a bowl of Pac-Man Breakfast Cereal. Arcade's ruled across North America. Every city center and small town had one.

In the movie theaters of 1982, a huge offering of blockbuster genre films rolled out. E.T., Blade Runner, Tron, The Thing and Rocky III hit the screens. There was also a delightful animated feature film released. One that would have a lasting impact on future artists. To this day it remains one of the greatest animated film's of all time.

Don Bluth's The Secret of Nihm.

My family and I watched it recently once again on blu-ray. What a fantastic film. In today's "wink-wink" to the audience and hardy laugh fest animated features, The Secret of Nihm is a masterpiece. Flowing with style and filled with heaping amounts of substance. There is a "NO B.S." stance this film takes. There is humor, sadness, tragedy and hope. Watch it today and it will knock your socks off. When I saw this film back in the day, as a child, it made such a lasting impression. It is my favorite animated film of all time. Don Bluth became one of my heroes afterwards.

A year later, Dragon's Lair hit arcades across North America. Animated by Don and his team at Bluth Productions. Like The Secret of Nihm, it was gorgeously animated with a classical style that had been all lost by the Walt Disney Studios.

However as a child, to play Pac-Man, Galaga and Donkey Kong at the time with those sweet pixel graphics, then to see a Dragon's Lair arcade cabinet seated beside them. Wow! It blew my mind away. From pixels to flowing beautiful movie images was incredible.

I would only play Dragon's Lair a handful of times in 1983. It would be ages until home adaptations started appearing, most notably the classic Commodore Amiga version from ReadySoft. So, Dragon's Lair would have a lasting impression, like The Secret of Nihm, only more special because of the game's unobtainability.

Today is a differnet story.

You can obtain and play the game anywhere. Your Android or iPhone mobile devices. You can easily purchase a blu-ray remastered edition or download the classic off the PlayStation Network.

The Android Market edition of Dragon's Lair arrived a little over a month ago. It is based off of the recent HD remastered edition. The game has never looked, sounded or played as well.

In Dragon's Lair you "control" Dirk The Daring on his quest to rescue the Princess Daphne from the evil Singe The Dragon. Your "control" of Dirk are reactionary movements to the dangers you encounter. Heck, this game is the origin of "quicktime events", that are in every blockbuster game today. Control does feel limited, however as a mobile gaming experience, Dragon's Lair provides a great play and value for the consumer. It is a great game to play on the go with it's simplistic controls and casual length of game play.

The player encounters a series of rooms within the Dragon's evil castle. These rooms flow randomly to keep the game interesting, as no two games play alike. Challenges await Dirk from magical weapons, pits of lava, to a Lizard King, on your way to Singe and his ever expanding treasure room. The beautiful Princess awaits Dirk's rescue. Oh my, the child within me giggles in delight. Oh what joy!

 It's interesting that arcade games of the past, have become such entertaining, casual mobile gaming experiences. Dragon's Lair is another great example. Hopefully Bluth's other games Space Ace and Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp find their way onto the Android Market soon.

Dragon's Lair is available for $4.99 and is worth every penny.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Back In The 3rd Dimension

It's been a while since I played with my PlayStation branded 3D monitor. Life, baby and work have been busy to say the least.


That was my first reaction to firing up the glorious vision before my eyes. Yes, the monitor is beautiful.

Off to the world of Motorstorm Apocalypse I explored. Visions of heavenly destruction before my very eyes. Speaking of which, I put those 3D glasses on and focused on the monitor, there was no strain or moment of adjustment to experience dimensional imagery. That I was very impressed about.

So it was a variety of races, many that I even achieved 1st place in. Hooray!

I also viewed a bit of Tron Legacy as well. It remains one of the best examples of 3D since Avatar. Olivia Wilde still remains a beautifully captured vision within the film's digital space. Glorious!

My time with 3D was cut short. Baby is awake. Vast journeys have now ended. Time to tackle real life adventures. ;)

Monday, January 9, 2012

The State of The Sonic Union - Winter 2012 Edition

See that picture on the left? We'll get to that in a moment.

Sonic's 20th Anniversary has been nothing but a success. Fans new and old have been enjoying the rewards of the past 2011 with such treats as Sonic & Sega All-Star Racing, Mario & Sonic At The London 2012 Olympic Games, Sonic Generations and Sonic CD. These titles have tickled every Sonic fan by presenting something new and something old with a strength of quality. What gaming delights indeed!

Now back to that picture.

It was just announced that Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 2, will be ready for a release sometime this year. It will feature the return of a beloved sidekick (Tails) and a dangerous enemy (Metal Sonic). Oh, 2012 is off to a great start! What else can we look forward to?

Sonic Generations has quietly been announced for the PlayStation Vita. Not many details have surfaced about this title, being either a port of the big console experience or an original title.

What else can we look forward too? Only time will tell. Sega has said they are very pleased with Sonic Generations. It established an awesome groove for "The Blue Blur", one that they are going to follow up with quiet nicely.

Cheers! ;)

Sony CES 2012 *BOOOOJE!!!!*

This week marks the big Consumer Electronics Show. Samsung, Microsoft, Philips, ect. A big focus of this blog has been Sony and their presence at shows past has been impressive.

CES 2012 will hopefully mark a huge return for Sony, with details on the PlayStation Vita, their Cybershot line, expanding Walkman series and their ventures within the Tablet computing arena.

To get the full up to the minute 411 on their presence, head over to Sony Blog for live streams and juicy news tidbits. :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

GTA III - Behind The Scenes

I've been playing plenty of Grand Theft Auto these days. GTA IV has been gloriously moonlighting the PS3 these days. Of course, the deliciously addictive GTA III has been rocking the Sony Tablet S.

In a previous blog post, I admited how impressed I was with converting such a legendary, big console experience to mobile devices. Yes, it is impressive stuff. You should honestly just purchase the title right now. Don't worry. I'll still be here when you get back.

Recently, Rockstar Games has been posting behind the scenes details about GTA III and it's development.  Check it out! ;)


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Madden NFL 12 - Sony Tablet S - Review

Today is the last day of the NFL regular season as my beloved Green Bay Packers battle the Detroit Lions in "The Motor City". Every Sunday has been exciting to say the least for Packers fans. As a Super Fan, one would like to experience the NFL on the go. Luckily, Madden NFL 12 does the job well.

Featuring a well tuned, played experience, the mobile edition of the classic pigskin game is awesome. Graphics are very nice, with good looking player models and animation. The touch controls work very well, as a virtual joystiq controls your football avatar as simple touches and swipes complete passes, kicks and tackles. Commentary can be heard throughout the game, however just like it's big brother console edition, it gets repetitive very quickly.

As good as it sounds, there a few things missing. No multiplayer and franchise mode whatsoever. *sniff* They are missed. If implemented, we would have had a pretty impressive package. However, the $4.99 price tag helps the soothing of field play burns. That is the killer deciding factor for mobile gaming. It's very inexpensive, cheaper than a subsandwich or hamburger. Realistically, I'm not expecting the full $59.99 HD console experience on my mobile. What there is, makes for a fun and exciting time!

Update: The Packers beat the Lions 45 to 41. Hooray!