Thursday, July 28, 2011

3DS Cautiously Optimistic

Nintendo dropped the bombshell today. On August 12th, the 3DS will drop to $169.99 from it's gigantic and painfull $249.99. This will happen less than six months from it's launch date. There has been no electronic tech gadget in recent memory that has done this. It echos of desperation from Nintendo and will reward first time buyers. The giving doesn't end there.

Users who purchased the system from launch or recently with it's humongous, original price tag will receive 10 NES and 10 GBA classic titles while be enrolled in an ambassador program, which is a just a nice way of saying "thank you" to early adopters. This will begin on September 1st.

What can I say? It's the right thing to do for a system which is crawling.

As wonderful this announcement is, it still doesn't address the fact that there is barely anything to purchase from here on to holiday 2011. As an early adopter myself, the 20 free titles are welcoming. Yet at the same time, I own many of these, multiple times over in fact on other Nintendo hardware. They sooth the sore but do little to heal the long time wound. We purchased the system for fantastic new exciting 3D games and they ain't coming out.

Source: Nintendo

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