Saturday, September 22, 2012

iPod Touch 5th Generation Chit-Chat

I have to admit it.

I love my iPod Touch.

The first one I purchased was the 4th generation model, a couple of years ago on launch. I have used it pretty much every day since. It still runs smooth, it just received the iOS6 update and apps continue to flood the device. The 4th generation iPod Touch was essentially, an iPhone 4/4S, without the contract. Sure the camera wasn't as good, nor did it receive the same CPU love, but that didn't matter. You had access to all those beautiful apps, the same as the ones arriving on the phone.

I find the iPod Touch line to be the best, entry level Apple product. Sure it's a bit pricy, but you can't deny the value and level of quality of the device.

Again, it literally is an iPhone without the contract and that's why I love it. We all know about the "Apple Tax". Especially, with the iPhone itself. I just don't want pay the premium to get the phone and be locked in a contract with a device that has an annual update.


Today, we have the arrival of the iPhone and iPod Touch 5th generation. New CPUs! New cameras! Big Screens! Plus, some sweet new colors!

Once again, the iPod Touch impresses. Now with the ability to purchase it with your choice of hardware color, makes it a fashion accessory. A smart move by Apple and they will sell gazillions of them because of that.

I'm most excited about the larger screen. As a gamer, this is the most important part. Thumbs on the tiny-er, older model took up too much real estate of the screen. Now, there is room to breath. Room to see the beauty of games in all their glory. Plus, hands are less cramped. Hooray!

Yes, I have one on pre-order direct from Apple. A blue one, if you must ask. Look for a review of the device in October.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sony PlayStation TGS 2012 Hardware

Sony PlayStation TGS 2012 Hardware

Plus: How To Help Sony Sell More Hardware

TGS has been rocking Japan and the rest of the world for several days now. Among all the excitement, Sony thought it was best to release a 3rd  rebuilt, revision of the PS3. Obviously, aimed at cost saving measures, the new PS3 is thinner, lighter and now features a top disc loader, much like the final PS2 redesign. It does look slick.

Problem is, the Nintendo Wii U will be launching very soon. One would have thought that this valiant new design was to provide consumers with a lower priced PS3, in time for Nintendo's next big launch.

Nope. Not at all.

The new system will launch at the same price as the current hardware.

Oh, great.

Next we have a couple of very sexy looking PS Vita's. Gorgeous red and blue models, which look delicious enough to eat. These are Japan exclusive models for the moment and will hopefully be released in the West at some point in the future. These exciting new Vita's will also be priced the same. For now, we will receive a heavenly white Vita here in the west, packed in with Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation.


Now here comes the PLUS part of the article: How To Help Sony Sell More Hardware.

I don't how things retail out in the East. The Vita appears to be doing very well in Japan. However, speaking as a dude from the West, specifically from Canada, just lower the price of your entry hardware.

Please. Sony. Lower your hardware prices.

Your hardware is awesome. It should be in more users hands. Especially, the Vita which is the best damn portable gaming machine ever. Consumers are to distracted by under $200 hardware such as the iPod Touch and Nintendo 3DS. They are ignoring your hardware due to it's high entry price.

There, the article is now over. I'm getting off my soap box and go play some Madden NFL 13 on my Vita.

End of Line.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Early Memories

Summer 1989.

Tim Burton's Batman exploded the modern era of the merchandised franchise. The Ghostbusters hit the big screen a second time. The NES ruled people's home as Mario and Link captured everyone's imaginations. The Commodore 64 was a hugely popular home computer, everyone I knew had one.

If there is one magical element about the video game industry in the 1980's, was the radical developments in arcade/home console/portable gaming technology. Things just got bigger and more impressive. The 8-bit era from the Atari 2600 to the NES and Sega Master System where awesome gaming machines.

Then in the summer of 1989, Sega would launch the 16-bit Genesis in North America. Never before had a video game console delivered a near arcade perfect experience at home. Oh, yes I remember playing Altered Beast, Afterburner, Outrun and Golden Axe many a time at friends houses. We where blow away by its power. The games where awesome. Mickey Mouse's Castle of Illusion and Michael Jackson's Moonwalker kicked ass.

Then Sonic arrived. Everything changed. The heated 16-bit wars began in all their awesome glory.

Summer 1991. Sonic The Hedgehog blew my mind. Before him, everything was slow. Nothing had ever been as fast, shiny, colourful nor as majestic as him.

I still remember playing the game for the first time. I went over to my buddy's house for lunch one hot summer day. Dave had a Sega Genesis and fairly decent collection of titles. He had just got Sonic The Hedgehog and I was excited to play it.

The advertising for Sonic was huge. Televisions commercials, print adds and word of mouth where impressive. I was pumped up to play it my first time, to say the least.

We fired up the television and entered Sonic's world.


What an experience. The speed blew me away. It played fresh, new and most importantly, fun.

Oh nostalgic memories. The glory of exciting new times indeed. Thanks Sega for some of the most memorable of good times!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

RIP MGS Online

The online gaming experience has shut down today. I played Metal Gear Solid Online numerous times. It's unique gameplay, modes, teams and humor, made it stand out. It was successful in translating that MG style of gameplay in an online experience.

It originated with MGS3: Subsistence. Later, the PSP's Portable Ops games expanded and made it better. Next, MGO would march forward and win over legions of fans.

Continuing the legacy is MGS: Peace Walker included in the HD Collections. It's smaller, yet robust gameplay features is a ton of fun and shouldn't be missed.

Here's to MGO! Years of fun will be fondly remembered. You will be sorely missed.

Drops of Mobile Gaming for the Week

 A minor blog post but very important.

This week we'll see the release of Gravity Rush and the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for the PS Vita. On the Android side of life, Max Payne Mobile is finally released with Rockstar Games Social Integration. Sweet!

I love my mobile gaming! Yes, I am aware that I have done some crazy editing with the titles of each release. I'm just so darn happy about this week! ;)

End of Line......

Monday, June 11, 2012

Metal Gear Solid E3 2012 Rundown

E3 2012 is finally gone. Until next year, old friend. *sniff*

I was surprised that Hideo Kojima of Metal Gear Solid and Konami fame, didn't make an appearance during the Sony press conference to show off Metal Gear Rising: Revengance. He's done so previous times in the past.  However, he still attended E3. Reveiling more of Revengance and the Vita's HD collection of MGS games.

Revengance looks amazing! The tag team of Kojima Productions and Platinum Games, has resulted in one of the most exciting action games, ever. Raiden finally looks bad ass as he slices his way threw, well, absolutely anything. Sadly, the only negative about the game is that it isn't coming out until 2013. *sniff again*

The Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for the Vita looks equally impressive. It's nice to see the titles go beyond just porting the games. They have implemented Vita controls in one shape or another. Plus, Transfarring returns. You can transfer saves between the PS3 and Vita versions of the collection. Plus, you can do this easily via cloud saving, which BTW, is friggin' sweet!

Finally, CVG has an exclusive interview with Hideo Kojima about the future of MGS, social gaming and Kojima productions. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

E3 2012 Post Impressions

E3 2012 arrived with excitement but has left many with a sense of disappointment. looming over the festivities, is the inevitable drop of new next generation hardware. Sadly, we'll have to wait.

Microsoft's press conference only had a handful of exclusives, from the not surprising Halo and Gears of War franchises. Sony's seemed to have dodged the PS Vita all together. Finally, Nintendo should have knocked the ball out of the park with it's upcoming Wii U. Instead, they disappointed it's legion of fans.

Focusing on Sony, which I like to do, I found this year's E3 press conference uninspiring. Except, for a few exclusives.

Let's get this out of the way. Beyond: Two Souls and The Last of Us looked amazing! These brand new IPs brought excitement to E3. Microsoft nor Nintendo, did not have anything of the caliber of these titles on the show floor.

My favorite part of the whole E3 experience, is the Assassin's Creed III double whammy on Sony consoles. Exclusive content on ACIII for the PS3. An exclusive Vita title called ACIII: Liberation. Plus, the ability of the two games to communicate to each other to offer additional content and rewards. These games both look awesome! I can't wait to play them.

On top of that, Sony and Ubisoft have a sweet PS Vita bundle arriving on the games launch date on October 30th. Including the game, a 4gb memory card and a crystal white Vita system, the bundle is sure to lure current and future owners of Sony handheld console.

Oh my! It's looks so sexy!