Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sony PlayStation TGS 2012 Hardware

Sony PlayStation TGS 2012 Hardware

Plus: How To Help Sony Sell More Hardware

TGS has been rocking Japan and the rest of the world for several days now. Among all the excitement, Sony thought it was best to release a 3rd  rebuilt, revision of the PS3. Obviously, aimed at cost saving measures, the new PS3 is thinner, lighter and now features a top disc loader, much like the final PS2 redesign. It does look slick.

Problem is, the Nintendo Wii U will be launching very soon. One would have thought that this valiant new design was to provide consumers with a lower priced PS3, in time for Nintendo's next big launch.

Nope. Not at all.

The new system will launch at the same price as the current hardware.

Oh, great.

Next we have a couple of very sexy looking PS Vita's. Gorgeous red and blue models, which look delicious enough to eat. These are Japan exclusive models for the moment and will hopefully be released in the West at some point in the future. These exciting new Vita's will also be priced the same. For now, we will receive a heavenly white Vita here in the west, packed in with Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation.


Now here comes the PLUS part of the article: How To Help Sony Sell More Hardware.

I don't how things retail out in the East. The Vita appears to be doing very well in Japan. However, speaking as a dude from the West, specifically from Canada, just lower the price of your entry hardware.

Please. Sony. Lower your hardware prices.

Your hardware is awesome. It should be in more users hands. Especially, the Vita which is the best damn portable gaming machine ever. Consumers are to distracted by under $200 hardware such as the iPod Touch and Nintendo 3DS. They are ignoring your hardware due to it's high entry price.

There, the article is now over. I'm getting off my soap box and go play some Madden NFL 13 on my Vita.

End of Line.

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