Saturday, September 22, 2012

iPod Touch 5th Generation Chit-Chat

I have to admit it.

I love my iPod Touch.

The first one I purchased was the 4th generation model, a couple of years ago on launch. I have used it pretty much every day since. It still runs smooth, it just received the iOS6 update and apps continue to flood the device. The 4th generation iPod Touch was essentially, an iPhone 4/4S, without the contract. Sure the camera wasn't as good, nor did it receive the same CPU love, but that didn't matter. You had access to all those beautiful apps, the same as the ones arriving on the phone.

I find the iPod Touch line to be the best, entry level Apple product. Sure it's a bit pricy, but you can't deny the value and level of quality of the device.

Again, it literally is an iPhone without the contract and that's why I love it. We all know about the "Apple Tax". Especially, with the iPhone itself. I just don't want pay the premium to get the phone and be locked in a contract with a device that has an annual update.


Today, we have the arrival of the iPhone and iPod Touch 5th generation. New CPUs! New cameras! Big Screens! Plus, some sweet new colors!

Once again, the iPod Touch impresses. Now with the ability to purchase it with your choice of hardware color, makes it a fashion accessory. A smart move by Apple and they will sell gazillions of them because of that.

I'm most excited about the larger screen. As a gamer, this is the most important part. Thumbs on the tiny-er, older model took up too much real estate of the screen. Now, there is room to breath. Room to see the beauty of games in all their glory. Plus, hands are less cramped. Hooray!

Yes, I have one on pre-order direct from Apple. A blue one, if you must ask. Look for a review of the device in October.


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