Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sonic and GTA Smash Mobile Gaming Today

Today is a very big day for mobile gaming.

Both on the Android and iOS platforms, will see the arrival of two classic games from two big franchises from two different eras of gaming. A new era of console to mobile gaming is now here.

First off, Rockstar Games and the return of a huge franchise. Grand Theft Auto III is a classic. The first GTA game to go 3D, it set the standard for open world adventures. It expanded upon the steps taken with Sega's Shenmue titles, with fantastic results. This new mobile edition celebrates the game's 10th anniversary and is only available for the most up to date mobile devices. The 32-bit era adventure retails for $4.99.

Next up, the gaming legend himself. The return of the king. Fresh off the success of Sonic Generations, Sonic CD arrives on the Android Marketplace and Apple's App Store.

The blue blur is in top form, in what many still call his greatest 2D adventure, Sonic CD was the killer app for Sega's ill-fated Genesis/Mega Drive CD hardware add on. The fanbase for Sonic CD is huge and early buzz on this new edition is monster.

I love me some Sonic, especially some Sonic CD. It's awesome to see the title finallybeing released into the hands of everyone. Now they can experience something very special.

Sonic CD retails for a meesly $1.99. There is now no excuse to not own this16-bit classic.

Mobile gaming grows bigger and bigger on a daily basis. However, it was always the question about quantity over quality that plagues the arena. However with EA's Dead Space and Bad Company, Sega's Sonic CD and Sonic 4 and Rockstar Games with Grand Theft Auto III, have proven that quality and great gaming can exist in an ever growing market.

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