Thursday, August 11, 2011

Our Way Or The Highway

It's definitely wake up time for the video game industry. Old players such as EA and Sega have been investing in mobile gaming for the iOS and Android platforms. Some spectacular results have occurred with the like of Dead Space and Sonic & Sega All-Star Racing. 3rd parties have awoken to the lure of easy, .99 cent gaming. The era of the debate of quality, great gaming would never appear on these platforms is near an end. There are great games and great value to be had.

I'm a little worried about the attitudes on both sides.

For investors, gamers and news journalists who write off console/dedicated portable gamers as a non-profitable concern is a joke.

Then at the other end of the spectrum, for Nintendo to completely write off mobile cell phone gaming as a future option is dangerous for them.

It appears to be rare that a company like Sony has gone full force into both arenas. You can have your PS3's and your Vita's alongside your PS certified phone and tablets.

I believe the market is big enough for the both of them.

- Posted using my iPod Touch. Happy 20th Sonic!

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