Saturday, May 26, 2012

Max Payne Feels the Pain

I finished the single player campaign for Max Payne 3. What an adrenaline rush! From start to finish, the game is pure gold. The action, cinematic presentation, to narrative, to pure gameplay control, this game delivers.

Is it to early in the year to start handing out game of the year awards? Nah! Hell! Why not?!?

If you haven't played MP3, you need too!

As for the status of original Max Payne on Android, Rockstar Games has commented that it is still being tweaked and pinched. It will be arriving hopefully in June, for the nearly 4000 different Android devices on the market.

Wait! What? Nearly 4000 Android devices?

Yes, there are officially that many of them on the market. So it's understandable that Rockstar would spend a little extra time and make the highly anticipated game available for as many as possible. It makes more users happy and makes Rockstar a little more money. I don't mind the extra wait. However, I still can't wait to play it on my Sony Tablet S.

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