Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Vita Getting MGS HD Collection Soon

Beloved video game developer/creator/writer/producer/director/all-around-awesome-dude Hideo Kojima, has been Tweeting recently about the upcoming Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for the PlayStation Vita. I can't wait for this package!

Included should be all of the contents of the HD console package. The contents consisted of MGS 2, 3 and Peace Walker. Alongside the original MSX Metal Gear 1 & 2 games. This package is massive and is essential to any gamer. To have this much MGS goodness on the go for myself, is mind blowing awesome!

Yeah, you can tell I'm excited!

It appears that the collection will also utilize the Vita's unique controls, such as being able to slit enemies throat's via sliding the back track pad. The collection is slated to arrive later this year.

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